
Congratulatory Note for Little Angel Gabby and Her School Team

Little Angel Gabby
Little Angel Gabby

I wish to congratulate my little angel Gabby and her school team for winning the bronze trophy (3rd place) in a national cheerdance competition for high school students this March.


My little angel Gabby is a contributor to the websites I manage. I enjoyed and continue to enjoy her works on faith expression. And I used and continue to use some of them. I, sometimes, show her the things I post, and if it concerns her, I always inform her.



Related Article: Note about My Mother


Hearts Philippines & Then Some

This is Uncle Alex and Gabby's website at Jimdo.com and this is the website for the Philippines and then some.




Free Website at Jimdo.com


Pilatelika Pilipinas

Pilatelika Pilipinas at philippines-atbp.jimdofree.com




Gabby's Faith Expression


Jesus and Gabby Series and Love God Series

Words for your Psyche, Part I

About Alex Moises

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